How To Teach Growth Mindset To Kids


What on earth is a growth mindset?! How can it turn your kiddo into a regular Super-boy!? Or Super-girl!

Growth mindset has been around for eons, but until recently it wasn’t presented in an organised fashion.

In a nutshell, there’s this gal named Carol Dweck…she’s fabulous!

Carol was the first person to officially, research, record and categorise growth mindset - which she calls ‘The New Psychology of Success’. She wrote a wonderful book about it all. You can find it here ——-> Super-Book ?

Let's take Oprah, Tony Robbins & Colonel Sanders. Do you know what they have in common?

They are ALL die-hard believers in the power of utilising their growth mindset! They've were doing it for years, before it was "a thing"! 

It’s pretty simple really…your growth mindset is based on self perception. In essence, how you think and label yourself.

Growth mindset theory uses intelligence and talent as a starting point, but recognises that dedication and work are what lead to success.

We focus on how challenges you and your child may face while learning are fantastic!  

They’re necessary for improvement…but never fear! If you stick to it, you’ll be able to develop your child’s natural ability through work & dedication.

Continuous learning & a keen focus on self-responsibility are key components to help your child earn their super-power cape!

Why is Growth Mindset so Important?

How we think determines everything about our lives. Absolutely everything!

It guides the way we talk to others, our actions, the results we achieve…or don’t achieve.

Self-talk has power over our emotions and the way we love ourselves. Loving ourselves is SO important! Humans are born with the growth mindset, but it’s up to us as individuals to cultivate it for a lifetime.

Nurturing our growth mindset is critical to success in every aspect of our lives. Building a healthy growth mindset creates a love of learning and a resilience that leads to accomplishment….so start those kiddos early!

They’ll carry this important asset with them through life.

Super-hero wand and cape…here we come! 

Bring on the Challenge!

Alright parents! Here’s where you come in. You’re a regular Robin to your children’s Batman….cue the lights! Rev the Bat-mobile! Onward to greatness!

Growing our own mindsets is the first step on this awesome journey. Understanding the difference between fixed & growth mindsets is our job! We’ve got some adult-ing to do.

What does your current mindset look like? Do you identify with the red or the green descriptive below? The likelihood is that you can find a little bit of yourself in both. It will be the same with your kiddos. 

As we prepare for this spectacular growth mindset journey, we will need a solid game plan. A blueprint for brain success!There are many tools available that encourage growth mindset. 

If you are looking for a starting points, the first one I’d recommend adding to your arsenal is the book I mentioned above. It’s THAT good!  (Here’s the link again in case you missed it). Great book - click here!

You'll find many gems in Carol’s work, about how ability, intelligence and talent are only part of what leads to success.I know what some of you are saying... These theories are all well and good, but who has time for all that Lisa?

This week, is a big week on theory and tips... But from next week, our weekly tips and resources newsletter will give you bite-sized information and strategies that you can use in your everyday happenings! Woohoo!

Whether you are at home cooking dinner, mid-classroom lesson or trying to get out the door after what feels like an eternity...No need to find more time for yet another activity. These can be done alongside your busy schedule! Yay!

Quick, simple actions that work and coming your way.

We will cover tips and resources for all the things that affect your child’s mindset.For those who learn in different ways… We’ve got your back!

Love to read? There’s a blog post/newsletter.

Prefer to watch/listen? We’ve got a video explanation too (see below)!

Want it in bite-sized chunks? Plus we have action guides, so you can print them and work through step-by-step instructions!

No matter how you like to take in the info, we’ve got you covered! Are you ready?

Neato! Let’s do this!


How to Introduce Growth Mindset to My Children?

The first tip to teaching your children growth mindset is to model your expectations. Kids are copycats….kiddo see, kiddo do!

These techniques can be applied to children of any age but the main things to remember are:

  • Toddlers - keep words short and simple and engage them in physical ways.

  • Preschoolers - use simple sentences.

  • Primary-aged (elementary) children - turn things into game is helpful and/or take them somewhere quiet

  • Teens - are heavily influenced by their peers, so it’s important to keep the lines of communication open by asking broad specific questions and listening to their answers without judgement.

  • Teachers - asking questions that lead them through a discovery of what fixed and growth mindset is, how they are built for growth mindset, where they have already achieved it and where they can work on achieving it in the future.

No matter what age, using positive words and emotions that focus on what you want (not what you don't want) will encourage your kids to try again and try something different!

Keep on using kind words and an uplifting attitude to show/teach your children tangible solutions.

No matter what the age of your child, recognising frustrations and helping them by modelling a different solution is excellent work on your part - go parent - go teacher!! You've got this!


Own It! How To Stop Your Child Blame Shifting