How To Teach Your Child To Look For The Good In People

The list of important values to teach our children is a mile long. But I’d have to say gratitude tops that list….right next to honesty and consideration. Being able to look for the good in our lives and other people is a priceless trait to possess. So how do we effectively teach our children to cultivate gratitude?

Because everyone’s upbringing is different and unique, it’s important to have self-awareness and take responsibility for our actions and mindset as adults. Some of us are fortunate enough to have had a childhood home that fostered growth mindsets and redeeming values. Others are not so lucky. Having great parents is a gift…so make sure to be one!

Teach your child how to look for the good in every person and situation. In 20 years, you’ll be super glad you did!  

Here are some awesome ways to teach your children to be grateful little people.

Learn to Listen

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘We have two ears & one mouth for a reason’? That’s fact right there! Being a good listener is FAR more important values than being able to talk the ear off a parrot.

This is an area where leading by example is key. Since it’s difficult to actually teach a child how to listen and show respect, showing them how to look for good it feels to be listened to and appreciated goes a long way!

Try not to interrupt, swear in traffic or talk down about others in front of your kiddos. They are soaking it all up, ready to be what they see!

Use social situations to raise awareness of what someone else may be feeling. Ask how they’d feel if someone spoke harshly about them or didn’t listen to what they had to say. This will allow them to cultivate empathy and learn to listen well to others. Just because we may not get along with someone, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to be respected and heard.

Express Gratitude

Teach your children to express gratitude on a daily basis. Exercising the habit of gratitude is a surefire way to increase your child’s happiness. Using positive words, drawing a picture that tells how awesome an experience was, sending a card or even a simply ‘thank you!’ are all ways for your kids to show how grateful they are!

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” ― Eckhart Tolle

Name Your Blessings ?

There is wonder all around us! Every day you can see this when you see things through your child’s eye, every day. How do we could keep that wonder rolling into adulthood!? By encouraging your child to look the good in every single person and circumstance, you are giving them a tremendous gift! If they can authentically identify the great traits in even the worst circumstance, then it will make the most difficult situations in life easier to learn from. When we express gratitude, it doesn’t mean that everything is peachy, it simply means that we can find the blessing in any relationship or lesson.

Stimulate great, big hearts in your children by helping them to erase the negativity and gloom that is ever-present in our world today.  

Our kids are constantly bombarded with disapproval and negative words and thoughts. Whether it’s on the news their parents watch at breakfast or from their peers at school. Bullying is a perfect example. It’s much easier to go with the flow when someone is getting picked on, but if they have awesome examples of what is right at home, then they are empowered to shine their little lights amongst their peers. Talk to your child about caring and uncaring acts they see on tv or in the world around them. If your child comes home and starts telling you about a girl at school everyone dislikes, help them to see how that would feel if those words were said about them. Encourage them to find good things about the person who’s being picked on. Lead by example, demonstrate that one of the most important values in life is to be kind.

Using uplifting words and actions with your kiddos is powerful! SHOW the love!

Back to the concept of monkey-see monkey-do, if your child is taught how to find the best in everything at home, they’ll spread that goodness out in the world!

Who’s The Boss??

As the BIG boss of your kiddos, it’s your responsibility to teach them how to be in control of their emotions and actions. Self-control is a major asset to them as adults. They can be a good person without worrying about controlling anyone else…how freeing!

We are never responsible for another person’s response or reaction. Teach your children to own it! Own their own feelings. Own their own responses. Own their behaviours. This means it doesn’t matter who is being mean or negative, your child will be set up for success! Knowing this, what is the best way to help our kids learn to regulate themselves?

Self-control is a skill that showcases impulse control and trust. Kiddos learn emotional regulation from us..their parents! Being hyper-vigilant about our actions, words and thoughts will encourage our family members to do the same.  

Little ones take their cues about confidence, anxiety and everything else from us. Practice makes perfect and your child will learn to master their world through your quality guidance and support!

So name your blessings, be a grateful parent, insist on respect and look for silver linings all around!

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”― Maya Angelou

Check out my video below for more quick tips on what to say and look for when teaching gratitude.


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