Helping Children To Find Happiness In The World Around Them

Ahhh…. The ever-elusive art of happiness.

We live in a society that insists happiness is a struggle. Well I’m going to have to disagree with that!

Happiness is certainly a journey, but the keys to happiness aren’t as elusive as you might think, and raising happy kiddos is absolutely our goal!

Happiness is not a fluttering moment of getting what we want. No, instant gratification, isn’t actually that gratifying!

In fact, it’s not fleeting at all. Lasting happiness is more work, but well worth it!

Happiness is a result of being emotionally healthy and balanced. You can completely skyrocket your child’s chances at happiness simply by making great choices in the way you choose to raise them. 

Don’t Worry, Be Happy!

The first key to lasting happiness is being happy! This means being happy yourself. Those kiddos learn from you after all.

How we think and feel about the world shapes our experiences. So if we dance into life each day, that joy will shine through! 

THINK happy and you’ll FEEL happy. 

Slap on a smile, do a little dance in the lounge room and see if you don’t automatically feel better. Try it!

Smiling and movement can boost your mood and in turn will boost the moods of those around you. The old saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’ is true even today. There have been countless studies that prove that laughing every day does indeed keep us healthy and happy.

The more we giggle, the happier we are. It’s science! 

“Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.”― Abraham Lincoln

Praise Progress

Doling out the praise is a perfect way to practise happiness. Seeing the good in others and the world around us will encourage more good to grow! 

If you see something lovely, say something!We can’t expect perfection, but when you see progress… Praise it! There is room every day to find little bits of growth or beauty to lavish praise upon. 

Whether it’s finishing their homework early or brushing their teeth without asking, you can always discover new ways to love on your kiddos through praise.

Watch for areas where your child is really putting in the effort. 

Happiness Habits

  • Dance parties!

  • Being silly!

  • Experiencing nature.

  • Holding hands with those you love.

  • Getting lots of fresh air and moving that body!

  • Eating healthy meals.

  • Listening & learning from someone

  • Spending time with loved ones.

  • Saying nice things to one another, being kind…and of course…

  • Laugh, laugh laugh!

What do these all have in common? They’re happiness habits of course!

The way we choose to live our lives on a daily basis affects our level of happiness in all areas.

Do you think if you moped around in the damp, dark basement watching sad movies and eating crappy food that this would make you feel good?

No way, Jose!

So be sure to monitor how your child is spending their days.

Make lots of room for fun in the sun and creative snacks.Encourage spontaneous dance-offs and laughing with each other.

Speak LOTS of kind words and encourage your child to do the same. 

You can even make a game out of this! Every day, inspire one another to find 5 great things they can say about the world around them. 

It could be telling their sister how nice her hair looks, or telling mama that breakfast was the best! Teach your child to find daily joy and miracles in the world around them and watch their happiness and confidence soar.

Volunteering for a cause that matters is also a great way to boost your happiness meter. If your kiddo absolutely adores animals, go to the local animal shelter and walk doggies.

That’s a grand slam joy booster! 

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”― Dalai Lama

Constructive Mental Patterns

Like I mentioned before, happiness is mental!

Teaching fun, empathy, discipline and good relationship building skills is a sure-fire way to instil lifelong happiness in your kiddies. 

Managing our moods and relationships, practicing gratitude, celebrating life and appreciating our connection to others are all constructive mental habits that cultivate happiness. 

Having empathy for others and learning to create and communicate joy can be lovely and emotionally boosting.

Talk about these things, put them to use and watch your child copy you! 

Gratitude and Being Happy Where You Are


Choosing To Not Give Up


How To Create A Solution Based Approach - For Parents & Teachers