No One Is Perfect And That's OK

Have you ever been jealous of someone? I know I have! It’s a natural emotion to feel envious sometimes.

But it’s important to remember that our perception of things isn’t always the whole picture.

Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey and Justin Bieber all had to work really hard to get where they are and so have the everyday people in our lives!

There’s probably someone not-so-famous in your child’s life that they feel envious of, too.

It’s up to us to teach our kids that even though so-and-so may sing better, jump higher, get better grades, have more money/friends/success etc, we still need to feel awesome in our own superhero skin.

No one is perfect…and that’s okay! In fact, it’s fantastic! 

Natural Talent

We all have natural talent in some areas of our lives, AND we all have to work at certain things that may seem like a breeze to our peers.That’s just the way life is.We’re all unique and different. That’s what makes us all total rock stars in our own way.

There’s no one else like Superman or Batman or YOU in the entire universe! I think that’s super cool. Everyone needs to work to improve at things and no one gets it right every time. Even Spiderman had to work to hone his spidey-skills. 

It’s important to understand that we all struggle sometimes, and those that persevere, practice and keep from self-judgement are the ones that make it to the finish line. 

Take it easy on yourself, Mama (or Papa)! You’re just living life like the rest of us.

Remember that you have awesome talents.Lead by example and help your kiddos to identify their natural talents so they can really shine, shine, shine! ? 

Practice Makes Progress

There’s no such thing as perfection. Let me just throw that out there. Practise can never make perfect, because perfection stops us in our tracks. It stops our growth.

We can shoot for the stars…and by golly we can get there! But our ‘perfection’ isn’t going to look like anyone else’s.

All we can hope for is to do our very best and be happy with who we are and exactly how it all turns out. 

A lovely Australian gentleman once told me about the 5 P’s - ‘Prior preparation prevents poor performance’.

Man is that good advice.

If you want to make progress…practice the 5 P’s! 

Prep yourself for progress by planning and keeping a positive attitude about your successes AND your failures. 

Fail Like a Superhero

Remember how I brought up Spiderman’s failures? That’s to prove my point that everybody experiences failures…even the most powerful superheroes!

Sure he had a moment of frustration when he couldn’t get those spider hands to aim like he wanted.

But the key to his success was his perseverance and his attitude.

He didn’t wallow in self-pity when he couldn’t hit his mark, he just kept trying until he did! 

Failure helps us learn what not to do so we can eventually hit exactly what we’re aiming for. 

It's never too early for you to start teaching your children they can hit what they aim for with a little do and do again!In the wonderful words of Walt Disney…keep moving forward!!! 

"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long.

We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."

- Walt Disney

How To Help Your Child Understand That No One Is Perfect And That's OK

Xo Lisa oX


  1. Watch the video to see why perfection is overrated and why it's ok to not be perfect

  2. Check out the blog post to see why it's ok to not be perfect


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