4 Tricks to Help Your Little Ones Go To Sleep

Insufficient sleep can make kids cranky and make it difficult for them to remember what they have learnt, behave properly, pay attention, and concentrate in school.

Depending on their age, your children will require a minimum number of sleep hours to function properly.

Here are four tricks to help your little ones go to sleep. 

1. Make a consistent bedtime routine

Consistency is critical in a child’s bedtime routine because it gives them some sense of safety and security. Routines help children to create sleep associations that will prepare their minds for bedtime.

Also, ensure that the child goes to sleep and wakes up around the same time every other night.

Every child is different and it is important to find out what works for your little one and stick to it.

A bedtime routine could involve:

  • A relaxing bath

  • Dressing in pyjamas

  • Brushing their teeth

  • Dimming lights

  • Talking softer

  • Moving slower

  • Storytime in bed

  • Goodnight kisses 

2. Create an ideal sleeping environment

To promote sleep, keep their bedroom cool, quiet, and dark. Also, ensure that the bedroom is not used to do homework or watch cartoons. This way, the child will only associate the bedroom with sleep and not any other activity. 

3. Remove distractions

Remove all electronic devices in the room since the light emitted from them mimics daylight and tricks the child’s brain to stay awake.

Shiny toys and colourful alarm clocks can be another distraction that may hinder their ability to go to sleep.

However, a fan or noise machine can help create steady and rhythmic sounds to help them fall asleep easily. 

4. Avoid sugary foods and caffeine before bed

Make sure that children don’t eat foods or drinks containing sugars or caffeine three hours before their bedtime.

They can eat healthy snacks before bed provided that they are not very filling.

Parents can consider:

  • A glass of milk

  • Low sugar yogurt

  • Dried fruits and nuts

  • Fresh veggies

  • Boiled egg and toast

  • Celery with nut butter

  • A banana

  • Whole grain crackers

Grow Kids Minds can help improve your child’s behaviour and develop a growth mindset in them. Join our free Facebook group for more tips and tricks to help raise your child with growth mindset in mind.


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